It’s time for you to master authentic communication, breaking free from the constraints of sounding robotic, insincere, or immature. Discover the power of articulating your thoughts with sincerity and maturity through ‘Becoming the Queen of Discipline.’

“Unlock Personalized Communication: Rediscover Your Authentic Voice and Boost Confidence for Tailored Success”

“After 3 months of classes with Gracia, I became not only self confident in English, but self confident in general”

– Kristina Korepina / Talent Acquisition Partner


Received a callback after just 1 session!!

Working with Gracia was an amazing and eye opening experience, she was able to help me develop my American accent by first thinking about character, movement, and body. Primarily her approach was placing importance on the general ‘vibe’ and feeling of what it means to Be an American in terms of culture. This really helped me, in terms of remembering that accent was only one part of the equation. I ended up auditioning and getting a recall and I have Gracia to thank for this! I would highly recommend and lovely to work with.

Stephen Stallone Thomas

Actor – London

Client Testimonial

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human existence.

Everyone possesses the inherent capability to convey thoughts in their own voice. Yet, when communication becomes hindered, the experience can be both overwhelming and frustrating. Although thoughts and ideas abound in our minds, the connection between brain and mouth may falter, impeding expression. This obstacle can evoke feelings of inadequacy, isolation, and helplessness.

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human existence.

You have permission to Step away from the textbook.

Most language and dialect programs are taught from a technical perspective and may not fully prepare you for real-life situations such as spontaneous conversations with colleagues, job interviews, or public speaking.

Begin with what is on the surface

Understand how you/ your character present to the world will dramatically affect the outcome.

It is all a performance

On stage or in the office, your way of speaking is just a performance showcasing your best skills.

Authenticity is at the nexus of self and performance 

Finding that sweet spot can be a challenge, this is where I come in.

Authenticity is at the nexus of self and performance 

Take a step back and look at your needs/ goals/ objectives in a whole new way.

These aspects of communication are beyond the scope of generic textbook material, written by individuals who lack insight into your unique background, career goals, or industry nuances.

It’s not about acquiring an entirely new skill set; it’s about seizing control of your communication and ensuring that everything you’ve learned is customized to your unique needs and goals. You’ve already achieved significant milestones in your career and accomplished great things. Now is not the time to doubt your voice and abilities. It’s time to assert control over your communication and confidently express yourself in any situation.

You already know exactly what you want to say. Don’t believe me? I’ll show you how…

…with a Crystal Clear vision on the exact goals you’re trying to achieve and identify roadblocks that are holding you back.

… to fully understand your unique communication style. No more repeating word for word from a textbook or a random google search…

…to stay prepared and ahead of the game. I know the path, and my role is to assist you in reaching your destination.

Space is limited | Book your FREE  call today

Book a call for personalized insights and gain clarity on your communication goals.

Let’s discuss your focus areas and create a plan for immediate improvement.

Communication is like a string quartet and I am your conductor.

With two decades of experience in Office Administration and classical music, I’ve seen it all. Let me guide you in the right direction and ensure you’re always moving forward.


Our first step is to Set the stage for your communication needs – we will  identify the exact goals you’re pursuing and create a tailor-made routine to get you across that finish line. Your unique communication needs are center stage.  

Step 3:

We will begin to assemble your new foundation with templates, scripts, cheat sheets and so much more. We know why, we know where we need to go, now let’s build a solid infrastructure so you can move up to the next level. 

Step 2:

Once we know where you’re going we can  organize your relevant tool Kit. I will show you how to clear out the clutter and leave you with a kit that is laser focused and easy to manage.

Step 4:

Regular check-ins are the key  to communication success. This is the time to Practice, Test & Edit. Your natural way of speaking evolves as you mature and advance your own education and career. English should evolve along with you.

The Checklist

Since we are all individual human beings, I find it so important to identify your unique communication needs. Sessions with me are far beyond the question and answer sessions. I will show you how to build the strength within yourself to overcome any confusion or frustration. 

My job is to hold your hand and guide you along your journey to leveling up your authentic communication. 

Your unique needs will be the focus so we will work together to create a plan that strengthens your one of a kind skills. 

When you embody your authentic self, words flow effortlessly. Your focus shifts from what you should say to actively engaging in conversation—listening, responding, commenting, and contributing naturally.

Hey, Hey, Hello!

I’m Gracia Burns, a coach specializing in Business English and American Dialects for professionals and creatives worldwide. With 30 years as a classical cellist and 20 years in office administration, I bring a unique perspective to communication mindset coaching.

Teaching abroad revealed a crucial gap — clients missing out on valuable information on authentic communication. I shifted my approach, asking direct questions about their jobs, career paths, and personal lives. The real lessons weren’t in generic textbooks but in discovering their unique identities. Join me and take your communication skills to the next level!

Schedule your FREE Clarity Session and get your A.C.T. Together

Taking the time to get some clarity and focus on what is missing from your authentic communication, can make a huge difference in how you move up to the next level.